I was a volunteer with the VacaValley Kiwanis club for 2 years in 2007/2008. One of those years I was the Key Club liason for Vacaville High School. I also volunteered my time with Central Lab Rescue assisting them with adoption days and transporting labs to/from foster homes.
My most proud accomplishment was becoming a big sister with Big Brothers Big Sisters of the North Bay. I was matched with my "little" Brittny in April of 2008. We were matched for 3 years and she is a very big part of my life & always will be. I am an only child and this was something I had wanted to do since I was in high school. I feel very grateful that BBBS was able to match me with such a wonderful young lady right here in Solano County. Both of our lives are forever changed for the experience BBBS gave us! If you have ever thought about becoming a "big", this program is an amazing opportunity and there are so many "littles" in need. Please visit the BBBS Northbay website today!
In my real estate career, giving back is just as important. After my first year or two selling homes I decided I wanted a way to make a difference by making a $50 donation in my clients name after close of escrow. I give my clients the option from one of 3 charities that are near and dear to my heart for many reasons. Those charities are:
-Shriner's Hospitals for Children
-Solano County SPCA
-Susan G. Komen Foundation
I am grateful for my health & the opportunities I have been provided in my life from my family and friends. This is my way of giving back to those that for whatever the reason may not have had those opportunities or have been dealt a bad hand over the years (four legged critters included.) Please visit the websites above for more information about these wonderful organizations!